With Svenja Schüffler, Anne Schreiber, Gregor Kanitz
Jan 12th 2018

Finnissage dark, liquid Galerie Nord/Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin

From 2017-12-08 until 2018-01-13 the exhibition “dark, liquid”, curated by Julia Heunemann, took place at the Galerie Nord/Kunstverein Tiergarten.

Roger Wardin, Angela Glajcar, Jenny Michel, Reiner Maria Matysik, Gregor Peschko and Rona Lee presented art works questioning the knowledge of the sea. The spectator is confronted with sculptures, oceanographic records, movies, paintings, drawings, sounds and even a deepwater exploration vessel, which all show the ocean as a deeply aesthetic space, that delivers access only through practises, media and technical objects.

The IUK was invited to be part of the finissage and gave two presentations, summed up by a talk with Burkhardt Wolf, Visiting Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Continue reading “PERFORMANCE / TALK / FINISSAGE: “dark, liquid””

ART PROJECT: Laplace Daemon and WikiDaemon

By Svenja Schüffler

WikiDaemon is one kind of a tool with whom we prepare for the unforeseen. The tool is being created as a free online and nonprofit platform. This platform is an art-science initiative created and designed for experimental reasons. In the tradition of a collaborative library, WikiDaemon will provide access and participation to anyone, while at the same time it focuses specifically on the prospection of unintended side effects, uncertainties and risks, that we map out to forecast our future disasters. This experimental platform aims to encourage “anticipating the consequences of human action or events and evaluating the desirability and moral quality of consequences”. (Renn, O. & Klinke, A., 2012): Space Matters! Impacts for Risk Governance. In: The Spational Dimensions of Risk, Müller-Mahn. D., p.1. Project by Svenja Schüffler

TALK: 18. DresdnerBusinessTalk – Visionäre im Gespräch

With Svenja Schüffler, Volker Kreidler, Studio Gampe, Moderation: Anne Schreiber
OCTOBER 16th 2017

O R G A N I C  M E L T I N G  P O T
Entrance : 4 5 , O O  Euro | I n k l u s i v e A p e r i t i f & C a t e r i n g
Start: 7pm (Entrance 6:3O pm)
at BrockmannundKnoedlerSalon
An der Frauenkirche 1, O1O67 Dresden
or BrockmannundKnoedlerSalon – Telefon O351.4843 384O

ART PROJECT: The Moment of the theoretical Alert

By Svenja Schüffler, Anne Schreiber

The project aims to design and critically reflect an Earthquake Early Warning Assistant of the near future. It experiments with scenarios of human-machine interaction via a series of multi-media performances that resemble a laboratory test room. The project will demonstrate a case study on the region of Istanbul and Almaty/Bishkek. It provides scenarios of rescue inside buildings: before, during and in the aftermath of an earthquake. The project is an interdisciplinary work between the artist and geoscientist Svenja Schüffler and the cultural scientist Anne Schreiber. The idea is based on Schüffler’s essay “KAIROS Earthquake Early Warning Application“, an outcome of the “Anthropocene Curriculum: The Technosphere Issue” at the HKW Berlin 2016. Project by Svenja Schüffler | Anne Schreiber, Berlin 2016.


With Svenja Schüffler & Johanna Becker
Jan 7th 2017 at Galerie Gerken, Linienstraße 217, 10119 Berlin- Mitte

By Anne Schreiber (An Experiment on a Bird ) during exhibtion of Svenja Schüffler
JAN 14th 2017 at Galerie Gerken, Linienstraße 217, 10119 Berlin- Mitte

ART PROJECT: An Experiment on a Bird

By Svenja Schüffler

The drawings of the new project titled »An Experiment on a Bird« relate to experiments and installations of Svenja Schüffler concerning seismic risk and early warning, trying to intersect art and science. The experiments and underlying ideas are introduced at the platform Anthropocene Curriculum of Haus der Kulturen der Welt HKW/Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in the form of essays at the following links: Installing Seismic Risk of Istanbul // KAIROS Earthquake Early Warning Application

The drawing of the Kakadu (Cockatoo) perching at/under a concrete piece shows an important protagonist of the experiments of Svenja Schüffler. The Kakadu´s life is under threat. Continue reading “ART PROJECT: An Experiment on a Bird”

ESSAY: Installing Seismic Risk of Istanbul

November 2016
By Svenja Schüffler

Published at Anthropocene Curriculum Platform of Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin HKW / Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

Calculated surprise and torn-down slabs. An introduction to the art-science project Installing Seismic Risk of Istanbul. Supported by the German Research Centre for Geoscience GFZ Potsdam and presented at the Forecast Forum, HKW 2015.

Photograph by Idris Bedirhanoglu, Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkey

ART PROJECT / LECTURE: Installing Seismic Risk of Istanbul / HKW

August 2015
By Svenja Schüffler

As we are living in the age of construction on our planet, in the future earthquakes will have an increasing impact on poorly constructed Megacities. Those Megacities at risk represent not only a local extreme risk of lives. Instead these future disasters can have a global changing impact on politics and societies as seen in the case of Fukushima.

The project approaches the complexity of contemporary scientific forecasting and its epistemic mode of modelling and calculating future earth and human impacts. It provides insight into knowing and decision making under distinct uncertainties by different actors (facing low probabilities with high consequences). Continue reading “ART PROJECT / LECTURE: Installing Seismic Risk of Istanbul / HKW”

ESSAY: KAIROS Earthquake Early Warning Application (An Instruction for turning Risk into facing your Danger)

By Svenja Schüffler
November 2016

Published at Anthropocene Curriculum Platform of Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin HKW / Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
Photograph by Svenja Schüffler

There is this unpredictable moment when the underground faults start to rupture. Between the start of the cracking of the Earth and the arrival of the waves that tear through underground, until they shake everything at the surface, there is a tiny, special moment of time. Less than a Chronos [1], yet an instant that could be enriched and transformed through a knowledge beyond primal cognition and experience. A knowledge that could help you save your life, whoever you are, and wherever you might be …